In the last few hours we have shocked Bristol with our version of what a Friday night sounds like. It was so successful that I went and repeated the experience in Paris last night. They too were shocked in a way that i can’t express in French and refuse to say in English. Anyway, they liked it.

So next we go to Manchester on the 6th December and Leeds on the 7th before our triumphant return home to play St Pancras Old Church on December 14th.  Most tickets have been sold but the vicar found a few more lodged between Sing Hosanna and Good King Wenceslas in The Good Lords Book of Popular Song (1258-1672, The Golden Years) so he’s put them up to buy here.

Have you officially liked Dan Michaelson and the Coastguards on Facebook yet? If not, you're missing out on the opportunity to receive what are now considered to be groundbreaking status updates... updates so familiar due to their ubiquitous reproliferation and ingenstion by our modern lexicon . "Biscuits", "Woke up with hair like Jonathon Ross" and "Drank some blood last night.."  are the kinds of rewards you can expect simply by clicking here. Not  to mention free songs and practical advice. For instance, If you haven’t Liked us yet, you probably don’t know about Dan Michaelson Reviews the Reviews where I come to terms with what people have been saying about Sudden Fiction in the press. Much like hair, once you’ve known it, its hard to live without.

Speaking of hair, I’m happy to be able to tell you a little more about our forthcoming London show....

Its going to be wonderful and not jut because we channel the spirit of Christmas past. Not just because the human ice pick is on the guestlist. Not just because we are having a great time playing all the new songs, but because our support for the evening comes in the shape of uber hairball, ex Absentee guitarist,  constant Wet Paint frontman and all round great guy to know on facebook, Mr Babak Ganjei. Ive been producing his solo album for some time now.. It contains some devastating hits, and when I say devastating, I mean like the vicar accidentally mowing through a family of squirrels (in front of the entire congregation) whist trimming the grass in the graveyard devistation. This will be the first time he’s played these songs live and I for one am looking forward to it. You can meet him here.


That’s it for now, words fail me. Dan.