Below is an advertisement for TONIGHTS gig at The Slaughtered Lamb, loosely disguised as FUN.

A call and response between myself and Barry Manilow, based around his song “I Write the Songs” that may go some way to explaining why he has just finished a 9 year residency in vegas and had a hip replacement whilst im preparing to play The Slaughtered Lamb in Farringdon. For the purposes of clarity, I will be Black and Barry continues to be a Healthy Golden Brown.

I write the songs that make the whole world sing,

I write the songs that I sing, occasionally someone will ask what the words mean,

I write the songs of love and special things,

I too write those songs Barry! But they come out different..

I write the songs that make the young girls cry

Though I've never gone out of my way to write a song that made a young girl cry, I can understand how it might be upsetting to a younger audience,

I write the songs I write the songs..

I too write some songs Barry, I write some songs..