Although I am not selling any "Hey, I'm listening to Dan Michaelson!!"  T-Shirts this year,  I'd still like to point out that this isn't an excuse to walk around topless..

Regardless of some lovely weather, Gentlemen...We have to try to keep it together. Getting your Manstuff™ out on the streets of London simply puts people off of shopping on the high street and thus further punctures our flailing economy.

Yes, I have strong and bold opinions that set me apart, most of which have been condensed into this thrilling Guardian Weekend Magazine interview:


(Click on the above picture if A) You'd like to read it, or B) You just love clicking links)

My Twitter account has proved so popular that I've had to personally delete many thousands of followers just to retain the unpopular but credible reputation I worked so hard to achieve. Of the 125 I've kept, heres some of the great feedback I've received:

"I discovered Dan Michaelson's Twitter whilst searching for Ingrid Michaelson, He seems OK"

"That is not a cool thing to say dude"

"I used to like you in Absentee, let me know if you'll be doing that again"

"This is not what Twitter was invented for"

"Hey, I saw you play at The Barfly in 2002, are you still making music?"

I don't think you'll find any better reason to search for DanMichaelsonMumbles in the next 24 hours.

So, lets recap...

I'm not selling anything.

I haven't done much lately.

I'm getting very forgetful in my old age.


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