Those of you who like to read the internet may already be aware that there's a new record in town, and he's ordering drinks but not paying for them.

This week, the horticultural industry bible Pitchfork announced the release of Dan Michaelson and the Coastguards: Blindspot on March 25th 2013, and offered a link to hear the song "Sheets", which by chance is on the record.  You can read their tasteful and well tuned words by clicking here: 


Although I had a grand old time releasing records myself, I've linked arms in a drunken dance with fellow label and packaging enthusiasts State51 for this record.. The joys of true independence were wonderful, but the staff christmas party for Editions Recordings was a lonely affair. There were no co workers to high5, no team trust games, and I woke up with the water cooler. Now there's a few of us, and we all love packaging (apart from the digital department, they are working on the Lazeredition of Blindspot for Itunes),  we're coming up with some exiting ideas for how to push cardboard to the next level, and how to make people truly happy. More news on that very, very soon.

By the way, If you didn't catch my much quoted key note industry speech at TED TALKS from 2008, its available at the link below:

How to push cardboard to the next level: from Pulp to Profit. D.Michaelson.2008

The Album cover looks like this:


So please don't buy the one that has Jesse J on the cover... That is a fake and i will see none of the profits from its sale.

I fear as usual I have gone on too long without saying much of use or worth so I'll say goodbye for now and leave a list of bullet points below. Complaints to the usual address...

Blindspot will be released on March 25th 2013 on CD/ Ltd Edition CD/ Ltd Ed Vinyl and Download.

I'll send out an alert for pre orders when they are ready to be pre ordered. This will include bundles with Tshirts, Bags and the very exciting "Sing Like Dan Michaelson Microphone", a new piece of science. Please note, the bundles will come in boxes and envelopes, not bundles.

Despite parental pressure, I will not be a contestant on Pop Idol this year.. neither will I be on Fame Academy, Strictly Come Dancing, Come Dine With Me, Britain's Worst Whistlers, Celebrity Steam House or any other shows of this nature.

If you haven't had enough by now, you can follow me on Twitter by clicking here: DANMUMBLESON