We're a week away from playing our first headline gig in quite some time and David Bowie is trying to steal the thunder AGAIN. What is it with this guy? I know it's the whole "Lifetime achievement" thing that we both have going on. The stakes are high, you get a pretty good reduction on bus travel in London and people open doors for you and smile in a very weird way but still.. my shoulders are creaking... legs won't follow basic commands,  hair won't stay where I put it... So much out of my control.. There's a handful of tickets left to see this treat by clicking on the picture below:

Pre orders for the album are selling like hot cakes, cakes so hot we'll be shipping them out whilst they're still warm. So if you order now, you'll get them a little ahead of the proposed date and with any luck you can expect to reduce your heating bill by around 63p the day it slips through your letterbox. David and I both appreciate heating and are fierce supporters of the "warm wrinkles" program.. so there is common ground when we put our competitive spirits aside. How many bands offer utility bill savings theses days? Very few my dear. Click the picture below to go there:

Before the dry ice has had time to settle, before the corks have hit the floor, I'll be off on tour with the wonder that is Beth Orton. We did a few shows together last year and although I got a little too drunk and started ranting unintelligibly about love and music, and even after Horse did something quite unthinkable in the town square of our penultimate gig, she still asked us back to do another turn.. So We'll be supporting her  again on her April tour of the UK.  Everything you need to know about that is yours by clicking the picture be low.

I'm going to listen to all my David Bowie records now because, arguments aside, he is constantly amazing.

Nighty night. Dan.