At last!

Blindspot is popping up here, there and everywhere, bouncing towards life much like a spring lamb enthusiastically leaping to nibble a fresh leaf from natures wonderous tree.

I would do the same but I'd probably pull a muscle and lay flailing for hours just inches from civilization.

Such is life.

For those of you who live without electricity, you may have missed the fact that Blindspot is Rough Trade Album of the Week, This means we are very cool until Friday. Do not miss your opportunity to be cool until Friday. The Rough Trade edition is available here and comes with bonus tracks.

Actively avoiding Cool? Then come to my shop where theres so many things to choose from, you never know what you'll come home with. I received an email just yesterday from a gentleman telling me that he met his wife whilst shopping there. We have a lovely canteen too. Most people just leave with a CD, LP or T-Shirt though, so don't expect too much. Speaking of which, there's not many Vinyl LP or Special Edition CD's left. Visit here.

So many thoughts, they just come out like spaghetti.

Tell me about you, we used to talk.

Much love, Dan.